
【当当网 正版包邮 童书】Key Words(16级) W默瑞著 快乐瓢虫少儿双语读物(18册图书+CD+身高尺挂图+关键词闪卡+阅读指导手册).

  • 产品名称:KeyWords(1-6级)
  • 年龄:6-12周岁
  • 是否是套装:是
  • 书名:KeyWords(1-6级)
  • 定价:298.00元
  • 出版时间:2014-5-1
  • 作者:W﹒默瑞
  • 书名:KeyWords(1-6级)












1a Play with us

1b Look at this

1c Read and write


2a We have fun
2b Have a go

2c I like to write


3a Things we like
3b Boy sand girls

3c Let me write


4a Things we do
4b Fun at the farm

4c Say the sound


5a Where we go
5b Out in the sun

5c More sounds to say


6a Our friends
6b We like to help
6c Reading with sounds

1a  Play with us
 Peter and Jane
 Here is Peter and here is Jane.
Peter is here and Jane is here.
Here is the dog. ……

3a  Things we like
Here are Peter and Jane. 
They like to play. 
Up they go. 
Up, up,up they go. 
I like this, says peter.
It is fun. 
Pat, the dog, wants ot play.

Jane and Peter like to play. 
Here they are at play. 
I go up, up, up, says Jane.
I go down, down, down, says Peter.
Up and down, up and down, 
up and down we go. 

6a  Our friends 
Here is a girl who lives on a farm. She is Pam, and she lives on this big farm with her mother and father. Pam likes to live here. 
She wants to help her father with the farm work this afternoon. She takes the two big horses to water. Pam is on one of them. Her dog is with her. 
Pam can do other work. She can look after the pigs or help to milk the cows. She likes to work on the farm after school. 
Peter and Jane go to school with Pam. Pam sits with Jane in school. Pam likes Jane, and Jane likes Pam. Jane and Peter are soon going to the farm for tea. Then, one afternoon, Pam will go to Jane's house for tea.

Key Words采用在英语中最常遇到和使用的单词——关键词(key words),作为儿童成功而自信地学习英语的起点。12个key words覆盖英语常用单词的四分之一,100个key words覆盖英语常用单词的一半,300个key words覆盖英语常用单词的四分之三。从掌握这300个key words起步,是学习英语最快捷、最有效的方法。

  Key Words专为4-12岁儿童设计,共12级36册,是用300个关键词编写的一套非常严谨的分级阅读体系,本系列包括1-6级18册。每个级别包含a、b、c 3册:a系列逐步介绍和重复关键词;b系列针对这些关键词,用不同的故事和图画,提供更多的阅读练习;c系列引入相似的单词,使孩子系统地掌握自然拼读法,能够读难度更大的单词。增加了单词的拼写练习,把单词认读、拼写与阅读结合起来,全面发展儿童的英语能力。孩子如果按照1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c的模式来学习,就能从这套关键词阅读体系中获得最大的收益。

